Succession Planning
Talent is a competitive advantage – keep it that way with proactive CEO, C-Suite, and Board Succession Planning and Talent Development. A lack of Succession Planning can result in onboarding a poor fit with their own agenda that causes disproportionate levels of chaos. Good Succession Planning represents an opportunity to become the high-performing, strategic team you want to be. Setting a good foundation for Succession not only results in recruiting Board and C-Suite members that are a better fit, but it also establishes a path for development. We work with you on a customized approach that fits your institutions unique objectives and timeline. Our process includes components of:
- Clarity & Preparation – Focused preparation for CEO, C-Suite, or Board transitions with a timeline of key milestones and aligned decision points for the process
- Assessing & Growing Talent – Building, upskilling, and reskilling a results-oriented cohesive team of leaders that are positioned to take on the next level
- Transition Planning and Pacing – Creating a plan with objectives, milestones, success measures, and a timeline for a successful transition
- Onboarding – Keeping the momentum going throughout the onboarding process and recalculating route as needed
Whether you are in the beginning stages, deep in the process, or have it on your initiative list, we support you at every step.
CEO Readiness
CEOs are being forced to deal with making big decisions in the face of constant ambiguity. CEO Readiness is designed to help those preparing to be a CEO thrive in this type of environment. There is a deliberate focus on strengthening their strategic and leadership competencies necessary to be successful in creating and cultivating a compelling organization.