CUNA Finance Council Conference
May 21-24, 2023
Anaheim, CA
Advanced Interest Rate Risk Concepts to Support Big Decisions
Join c. myers in this CUNA hosted event as we explore the topic of Interest rate risk and the cost of liquidity. The financial and strategic trade-offs are weighing heavily on many decision-makers, putting finance teams at the forefront of providing relevant decision information to their Leadership team and Board, and fast. During this session we will:
- Help participants dig into high-impact modeling assumptions that need to be reviewed to help ensure they are providing reliable information to support the big decisions that need to be made
- Work through considerations for offsetting margin compression in light of an organization’s strategy, measures of success, and KPIs
- Provide alternative views of how to approach ALM policy so that Leadership and the Board can have more strategic and financial flexibility as external forces continue to unfold
C. myers will be speaking on Tuesday, May 23 at 1:45 pm PT